Property & Estate Agency

Job Description Examples

9 Examples

(Free to download or copy)

How we can help with your job description

Example by Job Title

Building Surveyor

Estate Agent

Facilities Manager

Property Manager

Property Investment Manager

Property Administrator

Lettings Negotiator

Valuation Manager

Land Surveyor

General Job Advert Template

Not found your job title? You can use our general job advert template that works with every job role in any location. Just make sure you include your Property job requirements and job duties in the description.

Top Tips to posting a Property job online

  1. Use a good job advert.

Use one of our Property job description templates from the example library or use the general job advert template to make sure your posting a quality advert online and getting the most out of your online recruitment.

  1. Post to multiple platforms.

When you have completed your Property job advert, it’s important for it to be seen by as many candidates as possible. We recommend posting your Property job to as many job boards as possible.

  1. Respond quickly.

A good candidate will most likely apply for multiple jobs and if employers see they’re a good match for their role, they will act quickly to secure an interview with that candidate .

Need further help with your job description template?

If your advertising a job with Career Poster, we will create a job advert for you. Simply provide us with enough details about your job role and we will write it for free.

Call us on 0161 327 0117 or see our job packages here.

Career Poster

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