Job Description Examples

300+ Examples

(+20% off job boards)

How we can help your with job description

Job description by sector...

Accounting, Finance

Admin, Secretarial, PA


Banking, Insurance

Beauty, Cosmetics

Catering, Hospitality

Charity, Non Profit

Construction, Building

Customer Services

Education, Training


Graphics, Design

Health & Safety

Healthcare, Nursing

HR, Culture, People

IT, Technology

Management, Executive

Manufacturing, Production

Marketing, Advertising

Media, Creative

Oil, Gas, Energy

Property, Estate Agency


Retail, Wholesale

Sales, Business Development

Science, Research

Security, Defence

Social Care

Transport, Logistics

Why use our job description templates?

There are many reasons for you to use a job description template. It could just be that you need to see an example, so that you can get some ideas and get a head start on creating your job description or it could be that you want to make sure you’re creating the right job advert that attracts the right candidates for your role and ranks properly on the job board sites.

Here at Career Poster, we have 10+ years experience in posting jobs online and recruiting for almost every role you can think off. We have created a library of job description templates for you to copy or get inspiration from. Feel free to download and use for your online recruiting needs.

Top 5 tips to using job description examples

  1. Complete all the sections.

All the sections of the template example is designed in the right order and has all the information that not only a candidate is looking for but what the job board algorithm is looking for. Job boards want the candidate to have the best experience on their website so that they keep using their platform for future job hunting. They will show jobs at the top of their search results that have each section outlined in our job description templates as that’s the information the job seeker is looking for.

  1. Remember your job might be different.

Remember that these templates are just examples of what a good job advert will look like and information needed to be included in your job advertisement. Make sure the role requirements and duties match your own job role so that you can find somebody relevant to your own role. Use our examples to get ideas and know which keywords need to be included.

  1. Keep it the same length .

A good job description that’s advertised online should be about a page long on Microsoft Word. Long job adverts may result in less applications, as this an advertisement and not an actual full detailed description of the entire job. Any shorter and this could result in the job boards not fully understanding who to show your job description to.

  1. Make sure you show a salary range.

It can be tempting to not show your job salary as you could want a wide range of candidates with different experiences however you will receive much more applications by showing a salary. You want your job to show up if a candidate is using the salary filter when searching for a job. Use a wide salary range, if you want candidates with different levels of experience.

  1. Use a postcode.

Most job board sites and advertising platforms will use Google Maps API or similar for their location search. Using a postcode makes the search much easier for them to serve your advert to the right candidates and show their exact commute time tot get to the job. This will result in higher rankings compared to job descriptions that don’t show a postcode.

If you want to use a general job advert template from scratch, please see our Job Advert Template.

Need further help with your job description template?

If your advertising a job with Career Poster, we will create a job advert for you. Simply provide us with enough details about your job role and we will write it for free.

Call us on 0161 327 0117 or see our Job Board Advertising

Where to post your job description online?

Total Jobs Logo
Reed Logo
CV Library Logo
LinkedIn Logo
Monster Logo

Completed your job description using the template examples? You’re now ready to get your job advertised online and found by thousands of relevant candidates and choosing the right platform can confusing and costly. Luckily we have a solution called job board advertising. This is a service we provide that posts your job to multiple top performing job board sites in the UK. This saves you over 80% on your online recruitment costs and increases the exposure of your job description.

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